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Sophos Central Reports

Sophos Central is the malware protection software recommended and supported by Information Systems and Technology.

Because Sophos Central connects us to an internal console that tracks the kinds of malware attempting to access computers that run Sophos, our computers are better protected from these threats. The best way to combat viruses is to know which ones are out there and are trying to access and infect computers on the MIT network.

Q: How Do I Get My Own Customized Reports for my DLC?

A: If you are an IT technician on campus and would like automated reports on your machines, send an email to We will set up a customized report that is scheduled to email you at the regular interval that you'd like (daily, weekly, monthly). The End User Computing team will create a customized installer for your macOS and Windows-based clients. This will automatically put the computer into your DLC group for reporting purposes.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 20, 2025

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