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Create a Request

This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
You can access Atlas at

You can create a request in one of two ways:

Create a new request
Copy a request

For requests that will incur a charge, learn how to Request an Estimate

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Create a new request

  1. From the Service Requests group in Atlas, select the Create Request link
  2. On the Create Request page, click on the type of request you want to create
  3. Each type of request is two or three steps (pages). For most, the first step is selecting the location (building, greenspace, etc.)
  4. On each page, select or enter information into the fields provided. Required fields are indicated by a red asterisk. Click Continue to move to the next page. On the final page, click Submit.
  5. After submitting the request, you will see a success message with your request number noted as well as a link to add an attachment if desired.

Next steps: From this success page, you can add an attachment, print the request, or use the buttons to move to a different task. You will also receive an email confirmation of your request.

Tips for specific types of requests:


Copy a request

You can sometimes save time by copying a request you made previously. To do this, locate the previous request from your My Requests list, or by searching.

  1. Click the green plus sign next to the request you'd like to copy.
  2. Click the Copy button.
  3. You will be in a new request, but with fields pre-filled from your previous request. Make any changes needed to this request, and click Submit on the final page.
  4. After submitting the request, you will see a success message, with your request number noted as well as a link to add an attachment if desired.

Next steps: From this success page, you can add an attachment, print the request, or use the buttons to move to a different task. You will also receive an email confirmation of your request.

The Copy button will not be available on requests you did not create

Requesting an Estimate

On any request that requires you to enter a cost object, there will be a checkbox below the cost object field Request Estimate.

  1. Check the Request Estimate box before submitting your request.
  2. Facilities will obtain the estimate and enter it on the request. When they do, you will receive an email letting you know the estimate has been entered.
  3. Approve or reject the estimate by viewing it in Atlas and clicking the appropriate button. For more information, see Manage Requests.

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Last Modified:

May 15, 2018

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