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Add contact information for MIT affiliate to lab Green Card
(IS&T Contributions)
An MIT affiliate is working in an MIT lab, and needs to be added to the EHS Management System PI/Space Registration in SAP so their emergency contact information will appear on the lab's Green Card that is posted outside the lab. They are unable, however, to access ...
Other labels:
c-ehs, affiliate, green, contact, information, ehs
Can I find parked credit card charges in the Data Warehouse reports?
(IS&T Contributions)
Q: Answer No, the Data Warehouse contains only posted documents, and has never contained parked documents. Parked credit card charges are stored separately from posted credit card charges in SAPgui, and only the posted charges are stored in the Data ...
Other labels:
c-data_warehouse, parked, credit, data, warehouse
Exactly when are card charges "Swept" to their default cost objects?
(IS&T Contributions)
Q: Answer The sweep process runs daily at 8:00 pm. This time was chosen to avoid conflicting with the many system processes (backups, etc.) that go on around midnight. The sweep process handles charges that are 21 days old. This seems to be calendar ...
Other labels:
c-pro-card, pro, charge, default, cost, object, sweep
How can I obtain an MIT ID card to release my print jobs?
(IS&T Contributions)
Q: Answer IS&T issues ID cards to members of the MIT community. Students (including crossregistered students), faculty, staff, visiting scholars, postdocs, and alumni/ae can obtain a card at no charge. Contractors, temporary employees ...
Other labels:
pharos, asa, mitid, mit, id, dlc, sponsor, voucher
How do I get a ProCard?
(IS&T Contributions)
Q: Answer Complete an application form, choose a Verifier, get the proper Cost Object (account) authorizations (Administrative Officers) and submit the application to the ProCard Administrator in E19370. Applications can be downloaded from the web site at ...
Other labels:
c-pro-card, procard, pro
I am at the Print My ID Card kiosk - what screens should I see?
(IS&T Contributions)
Q: I am at the Print Your MIT ID Card kiosk what screens should I see? Answer This is the first screen you will see: !Get STarted.png border=1,width=800! Scan the QR Code that was generated on your MIT ...
Other labels:
mitid, kiosk, print, printer, priting, scanner, qr, code
I want to print my MIT ID card at a kiosk. What do I need to do on the Atlas mobile app?
(IS&T Contributions)
Q: I want to print my MIT ID card at a kiosk. What do I need to do first on the Atlas mobile app? Answer To print your ID card on a kiosk, you must first generate a QR code ...
Other labels:
mitid, kiosk, atlas, qr, qrcode, code, mobile, app
MyCard Login Failed
(IS&T Contributions)
Login failed for user" error when signing into This error message appears because the account is missing a 'mycard login' which can be added by the Card Office. They can be reached at or !MIT ID card.PNG border=1
Other labels:
id, services, mycard
Print My ID Card Kiosk - last name and pin code option
(IS&T Contributions)
Print My ID Card Kiosks located around campus (more info on MIT ID here, there are two methods to initiate a card print using your MIT Atlas mobile app: the primary method is to scan ...
Other labels:
mitid, id, kiosk, print, identification, student, employee, affiliate
ProCard Inbox authorization error
(IS&T Contributions)
I am getting an error message:$AbapException: (126) PCARDAUTHORIZATIONERROR: You are not authorized for the credit card inbox (ZWEBAPP=ZVERI) Solution The error message {{PCARDAUTHORIZATIONERROR}} indicates that you do not have Credit Card Verifier ...
Other labels:
c-procard, pro, credit, authorization, error