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Content with label c-athena in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: c-debathena, c-athenaprinting, vdi-status, printing, debathena, athena

Page: Debathena Landing Page
2022: The Debathena cluster release (based on Ubuntu 14.04) no longer functions and the clusters have been shuttered since the pandemic. The athena.dialup service is running Ubuntu 18.04 with a custom list of vendor packages. Community members are often successful at installing vendor ...
Other labels: c-debathena, debathena, athena
Page: Horizon Virtual Desktops and Computer Labs Landing Page
Overview What is VMware Horizon Client? VMware Horizon Client is a virtual desktop platform that allows undergraduate students to access a virtual version of the Athena computing environment and provides students with preconfigured virtual labs that contain coursespecific software. Who should ...
Other labels: vdi-status
Page: Printing from Athena Troubleshooting and FAQs
How can I print multiple copies of a document? How can I print selected pages of a LaTeX file? How do I print from Evince (Document Viewer)? Is there a print quota or charge for printing? What does "Service ...
Other labels: c-athenaprinting, printing

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