Content with label ca in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels:
error, network, certificate, secure, signing, firefox, connection, password, wireless, c-firefox-certs, server, web, c-certificates, c-security, csr, kdc, firefox-cert-issue, cert, kerberos,
ssl, incommon, c-web_publishing, security, request
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"Secure Connection Failed" - Firefox error message
page: Question I receive an error "Secure Connection Failed", when trying to access an MIT certificateprotected page, or when trying to obtain an MIT personal certificate. !SecureConnectionFailedFirefox3.JPG width=400,alt="Secure connection error"! Solution ...
Other labels:
firefox-cert-issue, c-firefox-certs, certificate, security, firefox, secure, connection
I get a "could not find page ca" error getting a certificate
Q: More accurately, that's a "could not find page: /ca/" error Answer This error indicates an unsupported browser (such as Chrome) or at least an unsupported useragent string set in the browser
Other labels:
certificate, error, c-certificates
Kerberos password synchronization with Active Directory
Why it's important Over the last few years, more and more thirdparty applications and services commonly used on MIT campus integrate with MIT's glossary:Active Directory (AD) service for authentication, rather than talking directly to our glossary:Kerberos ...
Other labels:
certificate, server, kdc, password, secure, wireless, network, kerberos
Obtaining an SSL certificate for a web server
an advanced topic, intended for use by experienced system administrators or developers who need to run their own web servers. If you want an SSLenabled site without having to manage your own certificates, consider IS&T's CampusPress service ...
Other labels:
c-web_publishing, csr, certificate, signing, request, server, incommon, ssl