Content with label rhel4 in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels:
rhn, rhel3, hat, network, linux, update_service, up2date, firefox, red, rhel, rhe, register, red_hat_network, update, c-red-hat-network, redhat, red_hat, enterprise, red_hat_enterprise
Every time I start a web browser, I am told to register RedHat Network. Do I need to do this?
Q: Answer No. RedHat sets the default browser start page to a local file. You should not use those instructions to register for Red Hat Network. This file points you directly to Red Hat's feebased service. IS&T offers Red ...
Other labels:
linux, enterprise, firefox, update, redhat, rhel, register, c-red-hat-network
How do I set up Red Hat Network to automatically check for software updates and install them daily?
Q: Answer If you have activated Red Hat Network for a Red Hat Enterprise 5 (RHEL 5) system or later, the system automatically checks for updates on a periodic basis by default
Other labels:
c-red-hat-network, linux, rhe, rhn, enterprise, red_hat, red_hat_network, red_hat_enterprise