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Google Apps for MIT.EDU

Read about the USER NAME CHANGES to username-google

Find out more about the user name changes in the Google Apps for MIT domain, Google Account Conflicts, and personal vs. domain Google accounts at [User name changes to username-google in Google Apps for MIT].

MIT takes over administration of Google Apps for MIT.EDU

The page MIT takes over administration of Google Apps for MIT.EDU does not exist. [Read the full announcement...]

What is it?

Google Apps for a domain, in this case, is a service provided by Google that allows members of an educational institution or business to collaborate with each other, separate from their personal Google accounts. Google Apps for a domain offers a subset of Google services to registered users. In the case of Google Apps for MIT.EDU, currently available services are Google Docs, Calendar, and Sites.

Common questions and resources

  • [How can I sign up for Google Apps for MIT.EDU?]
    Google does not allow self-service registration for current versions of Google Apps for a domain. Until MIT finishes integration work with on-campus directory and authentication services, your account needs to be manually created. Please send email to from your MIT email address.
  • [How can I reset my password for Google Apps for MIT.EDU?]
    Until MIT finishes integration work with on-campus directory and authentication services, your password needs to be manually reset, but we can do this over email. Please send a request to from your MIT email address.
  • [istcontrib:MIT takes over administration of Google Apps for MIT.EDU]
    This article goes into detail on recent administration changes to Google Apps for MIT.EDU, driven by Google's announced discontinuing of Teams Edition and other upcoming changes to Google Apps.
  • [How does Google Apps for MIT.EDU relate to my personal Google account?]
    An overview of the various editions of Google Apps, and how they relate to personal Google accounts.
  • [I got a note when logging into Google saying "Your account has changed" -- what should I do?]
    Google is pushing out a global change to their infrastructure that will disallow using the same email address for logging into a personal Google account and a domain account.

Known issues with Google Apps for MIT.EDU

1 A shared Google Doc links me to the MIT.EDU login page
If Google Apps for a particular domain exists, Google will always include a login and share link to Google Apps for that domain, even if you have not signed up for an account and would prefer to share the document with your personal Google account. Check How can I use a Google sharing link with my personal Google account? for several work-arounds.
2 My MIT email address was removed from my personal Google account!
Google is pushing out a global change to the infrastructure powering Google Apps, consolidating it with the infrastructure that powers personal Google services. This means an email address that is used for logging in can only exist in one place (i.e. you cannot use it for both Google Apps and a personal Google account). Conflicts are rare, but if one is found Google will give precedence to your Google Apps and remove the address from your personal Google account.
3 Self-service sign-up is no longer available for Google Apps for
In current versions of Google Apps for domains, self-service account signup is not available from Google. (It was only available in their un-administered "Teams Edition," now discontinued.) Please see [istcontrib:How can I sign up for Google Apps for MIT.EDU?]

See also

  • [istcontrib:MIT takes over administration of Google Apps for MIT.EDU]
  • [istcontrib:Google announces the end of Google Apps "Teams Edition"]
  • [istcontrib:Google Apps editions overview]
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