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Q: How do I register for DHCP service without an IP address?


  1. Start up your computer.
  2. Connect your Ethernet cable to the computer and to an MITnet network drop. The drop will likely have a green MITnet sticker.
  3. Make sure that your computer is configured for DHCP (obtaining an IP address automatically). Many machines come with their network cards configured for DHCP by default.
  4. Once the equipment is ready to connect, open a web browser and point it to any non-MIT web page.
    Result: You should be directed to the network registration page.
  5. Click on your status type, e.g., Staff.
    Result: A "Registering Your Computer" page displays, depending on your status at MIT (staff, student or visitor).
    Visitors can register between one and five (consecutive) days at a time, up to fourteen days per year. The network connection remains active for the number of days selected.
  6. Read the instructions, then click Register.
    Result: For Faculty, Staff, and Students, a Login page appears; visitors will see a registration form.
  7. Fill in the requested information, then click Register.
    Result: The Registration successfully completed page displays.
  8. It will take approximately 15-30 minutes for the process to complete. Make sure you clear out your browser cache before attempting to connect via DHCP.
  9. Test your connection by visiting both an internal website (e.g. and an external site (e.g.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 28, 2023

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