Q: How do I request a Qualtrics account?
Faculty, Staff, and Students
Any MIT faculty, staff or student can request a Qualtrics account. To make your request:
- Go to the registration portal at http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org
- If prompted, authenticate to Touchstone using your MIT certificate, kerberos username and password, or a kerberos ticket.
- Review the Usage Guidelines on the enrollment page (also available here).
- Acknowledge you've reviewed and agree to the guidelines by clicking the checkbox and click the Next button.
- Congratulations! Your account has been created! You should be redirected to your Qualtrics dashboard.
Note: This process will register you for the general MIT "brand" of Qualtrics at http://mit.qualtrics.com. Some DLCs maintain their own Qualtrics "brands" independently. For access to one of those, contact its brand administrator.
MIT affiliates with active kerberos accounts may use Qualtrics for MIT business, but must be sponsored for access by the faculty or staff member they're working with.