Q: Adobe Cleaner Tool Didn't Work?
- Did you try using the Adobe Cleaner Tool to get your Apps to show in Adobe Creative Cloud and they still don't appear?
- You may have been using an older Serialized version of Creative Cloud that has an expired license.
Some serialized versions of the Adobe Creative Cloud installers suppress the Apps tab from being visible in the CC Desktop app. After an uninstall of the serialized version of CC and a reinstall as a named-user, the Apps tab may continue to be missing. If that's the case, follow the steps here under "Enable Apps panel retrospectively using the ServiceConfig.xml file" and restart the CC Desktop app.
If that doesn't work, a full uninstall/reinstall has been demonstrated to work:
Delete the same ServiceConfig.xml file above (this may ask for elevation on Windows)
Uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud
Run the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool
Download and install the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop app from Adobe.com
Mac OS
The same file seems to be the root of the same issues on Mac OS. Uninstall the Creative Cloud Desktop app, delete the ServiceConfig.xml file here:
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/Configs/
And reinstall the CC Desktop app to fix the issue.