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2024 Email to Sponsors of Expiring Guest Accounts

Good day,

You are receiving this email because you sponsor one or more guest accounts at MIT that are due to expire in January 2025.

You can review these accounts and select which to renew for another calendar year via the new self-service portal:

To renew accounts please click "Renew Sponsorships," select all those you wish renewed, then click "Submit Renewals."

If you do not wish to renew any guest Kerberos accounts for which you are listed as a sponsor, no action is required.  At a later date, holders of non-renewed accounts will receive email notifications informing them of their impending deactivation, to allow them time to migrate data or seek alternative sponsorship.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the IS&T Service Desk at 617-253-1101,, via chat in the Atlas app, or on

A copy of this email can be found here:
Additional information about the use of the new self-service portal can be found here:

Thank you,
MIT Information Systems and Technology

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

December 04, 2024

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