Content with label account in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels:
balance, temp, active, expiring, cumulative, olc-accounts, logon, business, developer, athena, reset, name, cancel, number, renewal, c-touchstone, faq-reports, link, apple,
api, request, expired, departmental, kerberos, tsm, new, windows, affiliate, group, access, report, accounts-review, c-accounts, in, register, activate, c-crashplan, ios, sponsorship, c-roles_authorizations, manually, uac, object, c-tsm, 2, a, authorizations, broad, username, commitment, forwarding, new_tsm_accoun, certificates, for, sharing, google, c-email-forward, transaction, private, domain, reports, c-guest-account, guest_account, safo, c-requisitioning, registerable, m-hermes, term_code, exchange, c-pro-card, touchstone, accounts, document, sponsor, funding, control, configure, idp, citrix, renew, dropbox, error, c-sap-reporting, faq, email, cost, plan, multiple, guest, user, athenaon-linehelp, policy, email_account, c-sap, objects, sap, macintosh, address, backup, c-userprofilewizard
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2023 Email to Sponsors of Expiring Guest Accounts
Good day, You are receiving this email because you sponsor one or more guest accounts at MIT that are due to expire in January 2024. You can review these accounts and select which to renew for another calendar year ...
Other labels:
guest_account, guest, sponsor, expiring, renew, renewal, c-accounts, c-announce
2024 Email to Sponsors of Expiring Guest Accounts
Good day, You are receiving this email because you sponsor one or more guest accounts at MIT that are due to expire in January 2025. You can review these accounts and select which to renew for another calendar year ...
Other labels:
guest_account, guest, sponsor, expiring, renew, renewal
Atlas error message - "No RFC authorization for function group ZCO SAFO"
Question I am a student, trying to accomplish financial reporting for a student group. I am receiving an error message: RFCERRORSYSTEMFAILURE: User has no RFC authorization for function group ZCOSAFO. Other messages can also signal this same ...
Other labels:
no, rfc, authorization, error, system, failure, zco, safo
Can charges be reallocated to multiple Cost Objects and G or L Accounts?
Q: Answer Yes, ProCard charges can be reallocated by the Verifier to any number of Cost Objects (accounts) or G/L Accounts (object codes) provided they have the proper authorization
Other labels:
c-pro-card, procard, charge, allocate, multiple, cost, object
Can I have more than one email account (ex MIT and another external email service) set up in Outlook?
Q: Answer Yes. You can set up multiple accounts in your Outlook client. However, you will need to create a new profile for each exchange account. Support is only provided for your MIT email account
Other labels:
email, e-mail, outlook, c-outlook
Can I use multiple FROM addresses with the same Gmail account in Apple Mail ?
Q: Context Personal Gmail account Multiple "Send Mail As" or "From" addresses to choose from Please note that personal Gmail accounts are not a recommended MIT email solution, so the amount of assistance you will be able to get from MIT resources ...
Other labels:
gmail, c-gmail, multiple, from, address, apple, mail
Can I view the Overhead rate for an account in SAP?
Q: Answer No, you cannot view Overhead rates in SAP. However, OSP posts the most recent overhead rate at its web site
Other labels:
c-sap, overhead, rate, sap
Create a new user account on my Macintosh
Creating a new user account on your Macintosh can be helpful in troubleshooting Safari issues and other issues that may be related to configurations in your Macintosh login account. Follow the steps below: # Follow the menu path: Apple > System Preferences. # Select ...
Other labels:
mac, macintosh, user, c-mac-os-x, highsiera, mojave
Dropbox Landing Page
page: Overview Registration is accomplished with Files are accessed with or the Dropbox app. Dropbox is a cloudstorage company founded by two MIT students. IS&T has licensed the Dropbox Enterprise service for the entire MIT community ...
Other labels:
dropbox, faq, document, sharing, business, api, c-dropbox
Enabling User Account Control
Q: Domain joined computers running Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 may receive the error “This app can’t open for Builtin Administrator account” when trying to run Universal “Modern” Apps such as Edge Browser, Calculator, Microsoft Store ...
Other labels:
c-win-mit-edu, uac, user, control, windows, group, policy, kerberos