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Adobe Creative Cloud Landing Page

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Activation Problems?
If you have activation problems, first check this page to see if there are any outages at Adobe.
Then use this page for Activation and deactivation troubleshooting tips remembering to sign in to the "Company or School" account.


Adobe Systems gives users access to a collection of software for graphic design, video editing, web development, photography, and cloud services. Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) is licensed for use by MIT faculty, students, and staff. Once you show as an active Faculty/Staff/Student it may take a day or two for all systems to sync up that setting before you will be able to login to Adobe with your MIT Federated ID.

MIT’s Adobe Creative Cloud - All Apps - Pro Edition license (an Enterprise plan) includes:

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • Acrobat DC (does not include Adobe Sign Online e-sign integration)
  • Premiere Pro
  • After Effects
  • Animate
  • XD (Experience Design)
  • Dreamweaver
  • Dimension
  • Cloud storage
  • and more listed in this Adobe document the product we have are those included with the Enterprise All Apps license in that document.

How to connect through your MIT Federated ID

All MIT faculty, students, and staff will automatically be granted access to the full suite of Adobe Creative Cloud based on their "Active" status in MIT's databases. When this happens, you will be able to login to the "Company or school account" with Single Sign On authentication. If you can NOT login and get asked to create a personal Adobe ID to Try or Buy, then your status is "NOT Active" and you can reach out to the Service Desk to troubleshoot your problem.

Authentication and activation can then be done by entering an address at and authenticating through MIT Touchstone Authentication.

Note: If you already have an Adobe Creative Cloud account using your address (whether purchased yourself or provided by MIT), you will see two options when you log in to

  • Personal account - This is your old account, using your email address and password. (DO NOT DELETE until you are sure you have migrated everything you need out of this account)
  • Company or school account - This is your new, Touchstone-enabled MIT account.

If your old account was provided by MIT, use the Touchstone-enabled “company or school” account. If you paid for your old account, it will continue working as long as your subscription remains current.

What email address do I sign in with?
Email address for signing into Adobe Creative Cloud will always be your exchange email account that ends with issued by IS&T. Users will not be able to use department specific email addresses to access this service. As such, email accounts like are not valid accounts for MIT Adobe Creative Cloud and will not give you access to this service. 

The email address to log into the service should have the following format where yourkerberos is your kerberos username. 

Affiliate Licenses: Purchasing information

Affiliates are not covered by MIT's limited Adobe Creative Cloud license. Only, a person with purchasing permissions in your department would be able to purchase Adobe VIP licenses through GovConnection on their behalf.

The Adobe VIP program is a 12 month subscription with an annual renewal each year.

You will receive a unique URL link to your Adobe VIP Admin Console once you are granted Adobe VIP access. Please keep it somewhere safe for your records as IS&T has no access to your portal.

Please specify the type of license you wish to purchase.
  1.  Named user licenses, where you get 100 GB of storage, and online services (products such as Behance for portfolios), each user can install on a school owned computer and one other computer, maybe for home use. The proctor of these licenses will assign them to a Personal Adobe ID that only requires a name and an email address, and can make changes at any time via and Admin portal you will need a Personal Adobe ID to log in with. Our Federated ID's are NOT affiliated with this program.
  2. Device licenses, where the license is assigned to a computer (great to share a dedicated Affiliate workstation for when temps come and go), this is less expensive than the named user licenses, but you only get one install per license, you don’t receive the online services or the 100 GB of storage space.

Adobe VIP licenses can be purchased through GovConnection.

What do I need to know prior to contacting Connection?
Please first check within your DLC to see if your department already participates and this program so you may provide your existing Adobe VIP Membership Number to Connection. If you don't already participate in that program, be sure to specify that.
  1. Go to the GovConnection portal.
  2. In the top right corner you will find the contact information for Darren Gullen, our GovConnection Account Manager.
  3. Contact Darren via phone or email for a quote for your Adobe VIP needs. (licenses can NOT be found in their B2P portal)
Alternatives to purchasing (if you just need to work with PDF's)
  1. How to print to PDF from any Computer, Smartphone or tablet.
  2. [How to edit these PDF's in MS Word 2016 and newer.]

How to Use

  1. Adobe's Learn and Support
  2. Adobe's Get Started
  3. Adobe's Asset Migration Between Accounts
  4. Adobe's Migrate your student assets
  5. Adobe's Tutorials
  6. Adobe's User Guides
  7. Adobe's Creative Cloud for mobile NOTE: These mobile apps DO NOT apply against your activation limit.
  8. Adobe's Manual Asset Transfer
  9. Adobe's Discover Adobe Stock free photos, vectors and videos
  10. Adobe's Add and Share Adobe Stock assets
  11. Adobe's Adding font licenses to your account (limited to font library partners)
  12. Adobe Lightroom - Not Creative Cloud check out this page to migrate those assets or this Adobe page
  13. LinkedIn Learning (MIT licensed)

Troubleshooting and FAQ's

What to do when leaving MIT - Students, Faculty, or Staff

IMPORTANT: This can only work when you create a new Adobe ID! This Asset Migration will NOT work with existing Adobe accounts. See item #7 above int the "How to Use" section, for "Manual Asset Transfer"


Have Questions or Still Need Help?

Additional escalation information for Help Staff can be found here:
  • [Adobe Creative Cloud - Licensing]
  • [hd:How to Package Adobe Creative Cloud Apps]

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

January 29, 2025

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